Pull up a chair, make yourself a coffee (yes you Heather lol!), it's gonna be a long one!!
As mentioned earlier I've not been an active blogger this week, did manage to look round some of my favs but not really left that many comments or posted about anything...kept thinking..I'll do that tomorrow and then you know...tomorrow never happens.....carpe diem!.
Anyway, we had a lovely family day out today at Gulliver's World in Warrington, lots of fun for the kids and at about 4pm we decided it was time to go home. Well my little girl wanted to go on the pedalos and as they were near the exit we got in the queue. After a few minutes, we felt a few drops of rain, looked further over the park and it was absolutely tipping down, what did we do.....we said 'how come it's raining over there and not here'!!!!! then what do you think happened.....yeah, the heavens opened and we got absolutely drenched!!!! the rain was bouncing of the streets....so the moral of the tale.....if it starts to rain.....have a brain and run for cover!!!!
I've also been tagged by my lovely friends Jill and Mandy
The rules are .....
1. Link to the person who “tagged” you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write six random things about yourself.
4. Tag six people at the end of your post.
5. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know your entry is posted on your blog.
Here are six random things about me:
1. It's my 10 year wedding anniversay tomorrow, big hugs and kisses to my gorgeous hubby
2. I played hockey for Cumbria until I was 21
3. I don't like ice-cream (unless its with chocolate fudge cake!) I just don't see the point of it
4. I'm scared of cows....it's the eyes...always staring!!
5. I was in a car accident when I was 21 and had to have my wrist screwed back together (sorry if you're a bit squeamish)
6. I had a topless picture of me on the beach pinned to the notice board in the sixth form common room.....mmmm not at all embarassing when you're 18!!!
The six people I'm going to tag are
Apologies if you've already been tagged
Also, phew it's turning into an epic.....I won Hanne's candy...yeah me!!! Congratulations to all the other winners and thankyou so much to the gorgeously talented Hanne, it really cheered me up cos I fell down the stairs earlier in the day doh!! what a dufus!!!

Happy 10th Anniversary Gill! I hope you and hubbie have a great day tomorrow. Hope you don't mind if I miss this but it isn't that long ago since I was tagged. Thank you for thinking of me hun, Hugs,
Nikki x
Thanks for the tagging Gill, have been tagged already for this one...still havn't got round to doing it yet!!!hehe
Happy 10th anniversary for tommorrow.
Hugs rAchxx
Thanks for for the tag! And happy 10th anniversary for tomorrow! Congrats on winning the blog candy! I keep hoping I'll make out good like that soon! Ouch on the stairs!
Take care!
Thanks for tagging me Gill. I was tagged yesterday and still haven't had time to answer the questions! Just a hectic time at the moment! Happy Anniversary...have a lovely day.
Carole ;o)
Thanx Gill!!! Have completed it now on my blog :o)x
thanks for playing, love reading your facts. Hope your ok Jill x
Happy anniversary Mr and Mrs Gill.
There's something for you on my blog
I hope you have a happy 10th anniversary Gill?
I've awarded you on my blog!
Happy Belated Anniversary!! Hope you and hubby had a wonderful day!!...and I hope your okay after your fall.....Take Care!...Hugs, Ila
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